Re: Formula for status color symbols
You would need to use what is called a "nested IF" formula. The details would depend on exactly what you need / how you expect it to work.1 · -
Re: countifs with beetween dates
You are missing the semi-colon between the range and criteria for the first two range/criteria sets.1 · -
Re: HELP! Formula to Find Matching Value Between two Dates in another sheet
INDEX/COLLECT should work. =INDEX(COLLECT({Column To Pull Over}, {1st Criteria Range}, 1st criteria, {2nd Criteria Range}, 2nd criteria), 1)1 · -
Re: Collect % (column 1) based on a checkbox (column 2) and region (column 3)
INDEX, but you wouldn't use the {Range} inside of the CONTAINS function. You would just use @cell exactly as I have it.1 · -
Re: Customize an auto number
Try this: =[Auto Number]@row + "-" + [Business Unit]@row + "-" + RIGHT("0" + DAY([Submission Date]@row), 2) + RIGHT("0" + MONTH([Submission Date]@row), 2) + RI…1 ·